“Be very careful then, how you live-not as   unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16-16 
Time  management  is  a  wide  topic  of  discussion  that  a  lot  of people has written and talk about, so I am sure you must have listen to or read about time management before, but at this our youthful age it is an essential topic of discussion that we should welcome  on  a  regular  basis  to  reawaken  our  consciousness about importance of time management.
Time management is the  act  or  process  of  planning  and exercising conscious control  over the amount of time spent on specific  activities,  especially  to  increase  effectiveness, efficiency  or  productivity.  Simply put, time management  is Working Smarter to  Enhance  required  Productivity/output.  For concise yet comprehensive details, I will focus on effectiveness and efficiency use of tim

  • EFFECTIVE USE OF TIME:  This means  the  ability  to produce a required/useful  result or outcome  within a stipulated time frame that such result is needed  or will be useful. I called this “Doing the Right Thing.”
  • EFFICIENT USE OF TIME:  This could mean concentration of all your time and abilities in a particular task trying to make sure it is perfectly done. This I called, “Doing Things Right.”
Hey!  Friend,  let’s  take  a  minutes  to  check  if  there  is  any difference in the foregoing statement…have you checked it? Is there any? Does that tell you something? If NO, please go back and read  again  until  something  drops  into  your  mind.  If yes, then you can follow me.

To be a good time manager, you need to organize and plan how to  divide  your  time  between  specific  activities.  Good time management enables  you to work smarter (not harder) so  that you  can  get more done in less time, even when schedules are tight and  pressures  are  high.  Failing to manage your  time damages your effectiveness or values and causes stress.

The proper utilization of our time and resources involves some truths  which  are  so  simple  and  basic  that  many  miss  them completely.  We need to understand that there  is  no  point  in doing well those things which we should not  be doing at all (EFFICIENCY).  Before taking  a  task  or  responsibilities  you should ask yourself if this is something you should be doing, or it is  something  someone  else  should  be  doing.  Focus on effective use of time, rather than efficient use of time. When I was  on  campus,  I  realised  that  the  most  brilliant  students among us have low pleasure capacity, they are more successful because  they  give  larger  percentage  of  their  24  hours  to academics which they are on campus for,  and  they  concentrate on what will yield better result for the present time they live in. The  dull  in  the  class  are  those  who  attend  all  the  parties  and celebrations on campus both that of their friends and enemies. They  are  just  party  freaks  and  fun  seeking,  same  with  the corporate  organisation,  just  look  out  for  those  who received awards and reward at the end of the year, they are those who are more dedicated to their work. 

To be a good time manager, you must do things accordingly  and  approximately;  that doesn't mean you  are  not  lively  or  not  social, is just that you understood  time  and you are investing in it what  really  worth  it  by doing things effectively. Proverbs 21:8 “a man is known by his actions." What you do most tells others your priorities in life.
God is not bias and give no preference to anyone when it come to the issue of time, in short, God is the auto of Rule of Law in this case. Everyone get 24 hours a day, 60 minutes for every hour and 60 seconds for  every  minutes.  No one can get more, no  one  can get less. You can embezzle money and steal resources but not time. Oliva twist can only want or get more food and not time.

What  separate  the  rich  from  the  poor,  the  successful  from unsuccessful  is  not  that  some  have  more  time  to  accomplish  what they  want;  it  is  the  manner  in  which  they  use  their  time  and what they invest their time on. How are you using your time, like the wise or unwise?  Folks, you are not going to be youth forever.

No one can live more second at a time. In this sense everyone  is  truly  equal.  Now this  one  fact  make  time  most precious of all commodities, this factor force us to an inevitable
conclusion:  we've  got  to make  our  time  work  for  us,  it is the most  perishable  and  non-negotiable  possession  we  have.  We have to get production out of every second by effective use of time. Whatever you are committed  to,  make  sure  is  the  right thing  for  you  at  that  particular  period  of  time.  Stop wasting your time by trying to get the wrong thing done rightly.  I may love football and be skillful at it, but the best I could do now is to watch the professionals and cheer them up while I enjoy the pleasure of the round leather game, but it will be very wrong at my  age  to  enrol  in  a  football  academy  hoping  that  a  football club will come to hire me, bros please where is the vigour?

NOTE: It is expedient to answer the five W's questions when setting  goals in life,  these  are  my  own  way  of  making a S.M.A.R.T goal.

  • WHAT:  you need  to  define  what  exactly  you  want, that  is  most  important  to  you  in  life,    this should  be personal, it is your main GOAL. What did you really want to accomplish?
  • WHY:  what do you need this for, how will it help you and others in life, or u just want it for selfish desire to pressurize others. Why is this so important to you?
  • WHEN:  at what exact time would you want to achieve this in life? When did you want this done?
  • WHO:  as social animals we cannot not survive in isolation, we need help in every of our journey you need a mentor to refine you so that you can have a good shape. Even in marriage you must get your WHAT, WHY, and WHEN right before looking for WHO to Woo.
On a vital note, please when it comes to find the WHO, be very careful and prayerful, we have fire lighter and fire fighter when it comes to choose our “WHO,” but that is a topic to be discuss another day. You’ve found what you want, why you want it and when you want to get it done, now go get who you will like to journey with?
WHERE:  where did you wish to be at the end of the journey?  You must  determine  and  decide  this  at  the beginning  of  any  task  or  journey  because  the  means will  justify  the  ends.  At the end of  your  academics, career, marriage, retirement, year 2017 where did you want to be? And most importantly, where did you want to be at the end of this world? Is not about having resolutions or making new goals yearly, it is about what you do with your time. Here is how to make more use of time effectively


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