Either you are teenager or not, I am pretty sure the thought of sex has flashed through your mind couple of times. That is not a crime for it happened to Michael too. No, not angel Michael I mean I am human with flesh and blood. But when you do think about it what do you tell yourself? Do you dwell on the thought so much that it becomes what your body begin to crave for? Do you tell yourself there is no big deal about it or there is more than a big deal about it? In this case experience is a very bad teacher, you can never acquire good knowledge of sex through practical while you are not married, what it will leave you with is sore though maybe hidden but it will always be thorn in the flesh that will keep hurting even when you had long forgotten.
We are presently in a distracted generation, while the world we live in is complicated and saturated with lies and deception, you are bound to destroy yourself before you know it if you live by what you see or hear or see people doing around; without proper understanding of why they do what they did and what prompted them into such. Wisdom is profitable to direct, please get wisdom
This series is focus on teenagers, so I want to advice you before you go any further in this series to please open your mind and be free within yourself because you are about to find out the most vital truth that you truly need at this very stage of your life; and for others reading along who are not teenager, I implore you to also do the same. Not too old turn and never too late to learn.
Majority of world's adult population today knows absolutely nothing about sex even though they are seriously involved in it. And most of the time they mislead young people in their ignorance.
Those who should at least have a good idea of the true nature of sex had simply blind folded themselves with myth and trapped themselves in the sex web, what a pity!
What is called SEX is too far from what many people think it is, it goes beyond just pulling off your clothes and putting it back on like you have seen in movies or probably have experienced. It involves, attracts and necessitates a lot of things, both imaginable and unimaginable. As you go on therefore with this series on the truth about sex, I am sure you will get to understand fully what I am talking about.
come with me let’s drop the myth and deceit and learn the truth on how this idea
of sex actually started. Though it may take us weeks, but you can be sure of the
truth that will liberate you from lifetime regret.
week we will examine where sex originates from and its purpose, but do you know
God love sex too? So why is it bad? Just watch out!
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