Red Flags That Proves your Partner is Cheating
Surprises happen everywhere even where and when or from whom we less expect it from. it is good to have full trust in your partner if you want to enjoy a swift smooth relationship that will lead to the altar, as a matter of fact, I cannot love someone I don't trust. however, you need to be prepared for the unexpected, if it eventually happens you need to take the right approach, if not you may be the one that will take the blame.
I have only been in a few relationships, but the points I will be discussing in this post are from my personal experience, so it is possible you notice all these signs and probably he/she is not cheating on you. So, please do follow this post with an open mind because you could not ascertain your partner is a cheat until you catch her red-handed. However, these signs indicators that something is wrong in your relationship. So it is important you keep these in mind henceforth.
In another way round, it is possible your partner didn’t display any of these signs and possibly cheating on you. Most extra affairs go undetected, if you are having a smooth and happy relationship this may be too hard for you to believe; it’s understandable, I was once in your shoe.
Some years back, my boss called me on a cool evening after that day activity to discuss relationship, he was surprised at my level of trust and confidence I had in my partner as we share thoughts. He sighed and told me many things happens behind a closed door that people would never have thought could happen, he concluded by saying “Mike, there are surprises everywhere, be prepared for the unexpected in case it happened.” I wouldn’t have doubt afterward he is more experienced than I. However, I was surprised at my findings because I began to pay attention to some suspicious signs which I had considered less important.
When it happens, you just have to face the fact and handle it. Unfortunately, many people are amazing CEO of liars that their partners would never smell the shit. However, when shit happens we have to clean it, it doesn’t mean the person committing this act of infidelity is evil or awful.
It is possible to save or savages your relationship even after something has caused a dent in your love affair. Resolved in your heart that no matter what may happen you will have a positive outlook and strong confidence to save your relationship.
Here Are the Red Flags to Watch Out for.
1. Aggravation
When your partner get aggravated easily, or constantly picking a fight with you; that might be a sign something is going on deep down. If he or she makes you feel you can’t do anything right or can’t make him/her happy that is could be a sign that her mind is wandering away. If this is happening in your relationship, it is not the best to fight back else you lose out except if you are also seeing someone else you consider as an alternative to fall back on. If not, find a cool time to ask and find out why he or she acts that way.
2. Emotional Distance
When your partner is becoming emotionally distance from you, like acting a little quiet or appear to be sad; this could be a sign that something is going on that he/she is not telling you. This may or may not be cheating, but definitely, something is wrong, so you should act fast.
Check carefully when you notice emotional if something is really bogging your partner you could easily lose him/her if you apply the wrong approach, instead of raising accusation, approach them with good intention to assist.
Tell him/her you know something is wrong and you are willing to assist, if he/she is not ready to talk at that moment it is okay, don’t mount pressure but let he/she freely voice their mind, then you can watch closely from that point.
3. Keeping Late
If your partners stay out late than usual or you noticed some strange movement or trip, this maybe he/she has been trapped in the cage of infidelity. Patience is the weapon that force deception to reveal itself. BE PATIENT.
4. Wanting More Space
If your partner suddenly trying to create distance or asking you to give break or room to breathe, you should know something is about to happen especially if you have been on some issues lately. If he/she ask for space, allow it but continue to monitor their other behavior, soon or later you will be able to detect the reason for such action.
5. Improving outlook
If your partner suddenly paying close attention to his/her appearance this could be he/she is trying to impress someone. For instance developing a sudden interest in some activities such as:
- Buy new kind of clothes
- Going to cinema alone or at odd time
- Going for shopping in a new store or location
- Going to the gym or taking a morning walk.
He/she will definitely want to dress well, smell nice with more concentration or the hair before going out; this could be a sign he/she have seen someone he/she want to impress. This is especially suspicious if the desire to look good suddenly come up – watch out.
6. Privacy
Ideally, your partner should be open to you; but if he/she is scared of you plying into his/her life this is one of the huge RED FLAG. It is important both partners maintain some level of privacy in a relationship, but if he/she is taking it too far then you can be confident that there is something behind it. The two points below has worked for me many times.
One of the things you can do when you are suspicious of your partner’s attitude is to say you want to Google some stuff on his/her phone or that you want to check their recent pictures, if he/she freak out or trying to grab the phone back they you should know something is probably going on.
You may also notice he/she don’t receive calls on the phone whenever you are together, you can dial his/her digit on your phone and find out if the phone is on silence or light mode. This could also be an indicator that he/she is cheating on you.
7. Social Media Status
It is not a big deal to pay attention to your partner behavior on social media, am not saying you should go about checking who your partner is communicating with on social media, but you can pay close attention to their status and time he/she appeared online and when he/she goes offline.
For instance, if on WhatsApp you notice his/her last seen time suddenly stop to display, or you observe when you come online he/she goes offline or not find chatting with you interesting anymore maybe give short and sharp response or take longer time than necessary to reply your chat while online then there is probability he/she is finding communicating with someone else more interesting.
Remember you may observe all these signs and your partner is probably not cheating on you. However, the ocean has not expanded, you can still strengthen the cord of your relationship if you will take the right approach.
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